Overcome post holidays slumps

Tip of the week 26 - Ways to overcome the post-holiday slump

It's the time of the year when marketers don't mind swollen fingers because of carrying out many email campaigns. The holiday season is on and we believe you are tasting good success in terms of customer engagement. But wait! Don't take the back seat yet. Get your thinking caps on for the post-New Year sale. 

Marketers generally tend to breathe easy once the holiday sale ends. However, the post-holiday season is an excellent time to re-engage with the customers, as the number of emails received by them in a day is comparatively low. So, delight your latest subscribers with special offers just when they think the holiday hypes are over. Needless to say, set a short validity period to create a sense of urgency. 

Also, be sure to send out emails to those who have made a purchase under the holiday campaigns. This way, you are rekindling their interest to use your brand again and minimising the number of post-holiday unsubscribes. 

You can also start a win-back campaign targeting the dormant subscribers. Design an attractive recap of the offers they have missed all the way, and top it off with a personalised subject line. Over and above, if you feel your business can propel one to meet their New Year's resolution -- go ahead; strike a chord with meaningful design and content. 

Note: To yield satisfying results, your efforts should be in line with the best email marketing practices and laws of a country where your audience is in.